Xierpa is a web developing environment

Object based environment
Single source data storage
Multiple output options: computer, print, smartphones ...
Automated layout from a single design description

aller Develop­ments in the produc­tion of all kinds of publi­ca­tions in­crease in speed and impact. Many publi­ca­tion de­sig­ners (books, news­papers, maga­zines, cor­porate iden­ti­ties) and their cu­sto­mers are not aware of these changes. Even de­sign­ers for new media, such as blogs, web­sites, apps and e-books tend to see their work as local and sepa­rate.

With a modest guess of an increase in speed of 2.5 times, the next 10 years are com­par­able with the change, 25 years ago, from photo-type­set­ting to desktop publish­ing. These changes will conti­nue, offering less time for users, cu­sto­mers, de­sig­ners and pro­ducers to adapt their know­ledge, ex­peri­ence and be­havior. As de­sig­ners, we must be aware of these changes to make our work needed in the future.

Where by de­fini­tion it is im­possible to predict dis­con­ti­nued deve­lop­ments, it is feas­ible to en­vis­ion tech­no­logy driven deve­lop­ments by extra­polat­ing what has hap­pen­ed in the past years. Xierpa addres­ses these issues from the per­spec­tive of the future of design and the in­creas­ing wide range of plat­forms and devices.


Xierpa offers a setup where the out­put, whether for print, com­puter or smart­phones, is gene­rated from the data storage ac­cord­ing to the rules of the cur­rent de­sign. Out­put spe­ci­fic changes of the con­tent are saved as ad­di­tions to the ori­gin­al data, so these don’t have to be re­cover­ed from the out­put files. The out­put is based on de­sign para­meters, that can change ma­nual­ly or auto­matic when the out­put condi­tions changes.


Built with Xierpa

With Xierpa it is possible to construct a web application or a web site that adapts to the the individual user and output conditions.

Digital magazines
Online design application
Design templates

Web sites built with Xierpa:

Kontakt: email telefon · Xierpa dokumentation: xierpa.com
Xierpa is written in Python.

Digital magazines


Web app magazine

The magazine is a html5 browser based appli­cat­ion that runs equaly on com­puter, tablets and smart­phones, as well as it will pre­sum­ably on most devi­ces we can think of in the ‘near’ future if it has a web brow­ser. It’s a single html-java­script-css appli­ca­tion that acts as the con­tainer for the ar­ticles, each of which is a adap­tive design­ed html page that both in­herit style and java­script from the parent appli­ca­tion and can have it’s own setup.

➜ Demo of the magazine

Built with Xierpa

The magazine is closely integrated with web site CMS.


The magazine has a waterfall overview of the content


The magazine also have a ‘simple’ content view.


The magazine layout is build on a 4-columns grid for the maximum scren size, that reorder to fewer columns on smaller screens

Nomad Editions

From 2010 to 2012 Nomad Editions (N.Y. based publisher) was pub­lish­ing their weekly web based maga­zines that ran the same way on com­puter, mobiles, ipad and so on – all from the same files. The actual maga­zine view­ing was based on the java­script library Treesaver. But beneath this ran the pub­lish­ing environ­ment XierpaLib, that worked both as an edito­rial CMS and a render­ing machine for images, xml/html, and other re­sour­ces, that Treesaver needed.
By means of xierpa.com was devel­oped a new desk­top style version, that was imple­mented in january 2011.

Note: Nomad Editions closed early 2013 due to miss­ing subscribers and funding.


Nomad Editions editorial system

Screen capture – 2:18 min tour through the interface.

XierpaLib for Nomadeditions

All tasks, from select­ing tools to pre­view the maga­zine, are placed in float­ing win­dows, that may be col­laps­ed, open/­closed or moved around, and thus let an editor with a big screen take ad­van­tage of that. Or let the small screen people work with their open tasks in layers.

Built with Xierpa

The Xierpa engine outputs all the files and imagesizes needed for the magazines.

Online design application


CMS and generator for resorts catalogue

The catalogue is published in more than 25 languages, in portrait and landscape format. The Xierpa CMS handles the design templates, texts, images and the editing of the content by many editor’s in the same time. When the editions are ready, Xierpa generates PDFs for all of them.


A spread from the english portrait format catalogue


The multi-language content editor


Online preview of the page in the catalogue.

Online design editor

Where the most on­line design are built into more or less strict de­sign tem­plates, the editor of­fers an inter­face more like the way de­sig­ners nor­mal­ly work with the lay­out.

Designers inter­active­ly move their ob­jects, text and images, around to fit the grid. The CMS takes de­ci­sions based on the built-in de­sign rules in rela­tion to the type of maga­zine at hand, to co­rrect and store the de­sign.
It de­pends on the ser­ver pro­gram if the lay­out is de­fined for only one page (in­clud­ing dif­fe­rent sizes for re­spon­sive lay­outs) or if the lay­out is de­fined as gene­ric tem­plate that can be filled auto­mati­cally with con­tent from the data­base.

➜ Work-in-progresss demo of the editor

Built with Xierpa

The editor is bridging the layout and the CMS.


This is a screen shot from the work­ing proto­type of the layout editor. Notice the drag­gable windows with funct­ions and features, com­parable to the exist­ing win­dows in the current CMS.
The editor sup­ports drag­ging of text and images, drag­ging of layer order, color selec­tion, page order, grids, typo­graphic para­meters, WYSIWYG text, etc.


The text can be edited and styled in a simple text field or a WYSIWYG editor


Images can be scaled and cropped in a live interface.

Design templates


Exam­ples of news­paper tem­plates ren­dered on dif­fe­rent de­vices or screen sizes: Smart­phone has a li­near layout. In a 2-co­lumn iPad-por­trait size, com­po­nents are di­stri­buted on the page, to re­move the right co­lumn. With desk­top or iPad-land­scape size, there is enough room for two side co­lumns.

Xierpa in­cludes a high-level func­tio­na­lity for re­spon­sive maga­zine and news­paper pro­duc­tion, and is being ex­tended to be able to gene­rate re­spon­sive tem­plates for news­papers and maga­zines. The out­put can be di­rect­ed to­wards dif­fe­rent types of CMS sy­stems, yet they are all gene­rated from the same source code base. Para­meters on the con­ver­sion input make dif­fe­rent design style pos­sible as can be seen in the exam­ples.

The styling is all HTML and CSS stan­dards, and given some basic tools and in­struc­tions, the de­velop­ment of new tem­plates can be done by de­sig­ners and pro­gram­mers that under­stand these stan­dards. This also counts for the adap­tive re­posi­tion­ing of page ele­ments at dif­fe­rent page sizes.


By changing some para­meters, a new CSS is gene­rat­ed, with a dif­ferent layout. In prin­ciple all va­riat­ions of de­signs can be de­fined on a higher level of ab­strac­tion, which makes the crea­tion of new tem­plates for dif­fe­rent pub­lica­tions much faster and reli­able.


Ads are built into the design as responsive and adaptive blocks.
These are 3 sizes of 2 example ads, with re­spon­sive HTML/CSS layout, using web-fonts. The images change as result of the width change of the ad. The ads come from a dif­ferent server than the page and have their own in­divi­dual sizing rules and CSS. Note the dis­played pixel size for debug­ging.


A Xierpa